Author Archives: Zontziry (Z) Johnson

About Zontziry (Z) Johnson

Z's passion is learning about and sharing best practices and new trends in market research (MR), from writing the best questionnaire possible to crafting a story that will resonate with stakeholders. Follow her musings on the MR industry on Twitter (@zontziry).

Where did she go?

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Usually, it seems when a blogger goes absent for a bit, it’s because of Big Plans they’re working on for their blog, website, etc. Or they just got busy. For me, it’s the latter. March proved to be an insane month, taking me away from keeping up with the market research bloggers I usually follow, and taking me away from… Read more »

Reporting: the client’s and supplier’s struggles

My life has been currently taken up by reporting. I’m living it and breathing it, and so it’s on my mind a lot. A few things that have been running through my mind: the difference between reporting and storytelling; finding the sweet spot between just updating a tracker report and looking for the story being told this time from the… Read more »

How do you decide it’s time for change?

Have you ever stopped at a stop light and wondered when it was that we decided that a red light hanging over a street meant we needed to stop? Or have you ever looked at lines on a road, and wondered when we started recognizing them as barriers to be crossed or not crossed? This got me thinking: are there… Read more »

What do you mean, it’s not mobile-friendly?

In the last few months of 2015, I started noticing a new trend in market research blogs. This trend moved us away from focusing entirely on making surveys mobile-friendly, and instead transitioned to the term, “device-agnostic.”

Could this be why suppliers aren’t generating better insights?

Clients and suppliers both share plenty of woes when it comes to market research. Both are trying to do more with less – less money and time, to be exact. Both are faced with increasing demands, too – more insights, better insights, more actionable insights, better stories. I’ve read plenty of articles talking about how to get better insights; how… Read more »

Should market researchers be consultants?

If you’ve seen tweets or posts from various market research conferences the past few months, you know that one of the themes that has been making the rounds is that of market researchers needing to be more consultative. This, for me, has begged the question: do we really?

When your industry is threatened…innovate!

With various tech innovations, there comes a time when, inevitably, an industry is threatened, either with the risk of being eliminated altogether or having its status quo severely disrupted. Recently, marketing and market research have both come under this threat, with ad-blocking being introduced as part of the new iOS for iPhone and with the TCPA ruling that makes auto-dialing… Read more »

Survey design tip: choosing survey software

You’ve finally reached a point where you’re ready to dive into programming your survey. If you don’t already have survey software you’ve used in the past (or if you’re looking to renew a license and exploring options), this step can feel pretty daunting as you try to figure out the best price for the features available. Here are some tips… Read more »