Author Archives: Zontziry (Z) Johnson
Survey design tip: who’s your audience?

Each Monday for the past couple of Mondays, I’ve been focusing on tips to help you write better surveys. So far, we’ve covered the most important step to survey-writing (hint: it’s all about the focus); and some tips on writing unbiased questions. However, I realized that I missed a few steps between establishing your survey’s focus and writing questions after… Read more »
Webinar recap: How Non-Native English Speakers Respond to English Surveys

Last week, Annie Pettit from Peanut Labs gave a really fascinating presentation on how non-native English speakers respond to English-language surveys. (For the remainder of this post, I’ll be referring to these two groups as ESL and native English speakers.) Here are my take-aways, with some of my own thoughts mixed in, since this really caused me to reflect on… Read more »
Writing unbiased survey questions

Last week, I wrote about the most important step for survey writing: acquiring a razor-sharp focus for the study being designed. At the end of that post, I promised that this week’s survey design tip would focus on some tips for writing survey questions. With that in mind, let’s look at the first set of tips to address what I… Read more »
#GRIT, screens, surveys, rules, and push or pull: it’s the #FridayFive!

GRIT Q3/Q4 survey is live! This hits the top of the list this week, because I have found the GRIT survey results to be really interesting. This survey is open for the Q3-Q4 time period: if you’re involved in market research, please participate! It’s a fantastic way to look at current trends in the market research industry overall. Why do… Read more »
Recap from attending The Cutting Edge of NewMR webinar

About a month ago, I saw that there would be a webinar focused on the cutting edge of new market research technologies. I looked forward to this webinar from the moment I read about it to the moment it started. I get really excited about what’s being done in the market research industry to take advantage of the wealth of… Read more »
The most important step to survey writing

Last week, I wrote a post about eliminating bias in decision-making, and introducing the topic of using surveys to help inform decisions. At the end of the post, I addressed the fact that writing surveys is a difficult thing to do, promising follow-on posts with tips for writing better surveys. This week, we’re kicking off the series with the first,… Read more »
From #emotion analytics to #survey design tips, it’s a #FridayFive!
Trim the survey or start from scratch?
How do you make decisions?

One of the things I enjoy doing is taking personality tests. Inevitably, it seems that during the test, there will be some question or series of questions that deals with how you make decisions, and they always seems to make it out to be two types of decision-making: go with your gut, or research everything to death. I never have… Read more »