Category Archives: Friday Five

VR for MR; leading questions are good?, and more in this week’s Friday Five!

After a couple weeks off while I was heads-down working on deliverables, the Friday Five is back! MR best practices get a bit spun on their heads, someone else gets excited about virtual reality’s uses in MR, and more!

Gamification, tips for MR clients and suppliers, and more for this week’s #FridayFive!

This week, I was intrigued by posts about the partnership (or lack thereof) between market research clients and suppliers; a huge reason big data isn’t delivering results – yet; gamification in practice for marketing campaigns; and a reminder of the importance of not just measuring customer satisfaction, but customer loyalty, as well.

#Bigdata, human error, Safe Harbor, segmentation, and brand measures: it’s the #FridayFive!

This week saw a couple of big announcements in big data and Safe Harbor. Add to that some help with your segmentation strategies, remembering that behind all analytics and interpretation of data are humans, and ideas on changing the way we measure brands, and you have this week’s Friday Five!

#GRIT, screens, surveys, rules, and push or pull: it’s the #FridayFive!

GRIT Q3/Q4 survey is live! This hits the top of the list this week, because I have found the GRIT survey results to be really interesting. This survey is open for the Q3-Q4 time period: if you’re involved in market research, please participate! It’s a fantastic way to look at current trends in the market research industry overall. Why do… Read more »

From #emotion analytics to #survey design tips, it’s a #FridayFive!

From emotion analytics to survey design tips, marketing strategy vs marketing plans and the reality of cross-platform data, it’s time for another weekly roundup of five articles that caught my attention this week.

AMSRS; data visualization; and more! Time for a Friday Five!

It’s Friday! One of the things I enjoyed doing in a previous role was a review of articles that caught my interest in the previous week called the Friday Five. Let’s look at what’s been talked about in the world of market research this week!